So … I got super excited when I was buying books this semester because I didn’t think that I was going to have to buy any books for this class. Yeah, I was wrong. First day of class, Professor O’malley tells us that we have to read 5 books ! I was upset because first of all this year, I am defiantly the DEFINITION of a broke college student. Penny pinching out of coin jars just to eat, and now this man has told me that I need to get five more books on top of the other 8 books I had already gotten.
This isn’t a “woe is me” sob story though. This is going to be the first of a five book review series entitled “The Boring Book Reviews.” Today’s book of discussion is “The Shallows” by Nicholas Carr. This book was written to attempt to tell me about myself, but in all reality it taught me about the “fake woke” people in this world. Carr’s writing of this book was very mundane and redundant. The book was supposed to be about the evils that come along with the internet, and how it has negatively affected the brains of the population as if it was something that seemed to be a new topic of discussion. During the time that he wrote this book, his argument may have been valid; however, he failed to highlight the positive aspects of the internets existence. in today’s society the internet has served as a medium to education as well as everyday life knowledge that people are now able to use to their advantage without subsequently damaging their mental capability. Nonetheless, the book was boring the tone of it was very monotone, and Carr used a bunch of big words that made him seem very pretentious and bias as an author.
I’m sure this post was extremely boring, and I probably don’t even really know what I’m talking about especially to people like Carr.